Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

.Arrommumumwmummaillill (I to) forgiven, and fo lyable to noneof its threatnings , yet when new fins are by thefe believers committed this moral Law is fo far in force againft them , as to make them guilty of Death, till the Promifecome in and remove that guilt by a frefh pardon:It makes death their due, though God by his Gofpel do prefently Re- mit it. I cannot well conceive what (hould make men accufe me for putting Believers under the curie of the Law unlefs it be this Conclufion (and that about punifhment which I fhall come to anon). And therefore becaufe it is likely that this is it which Mr. Caryl is offended at, Ys fhall endeavour to fatisfie him, by giving my reafons. Conde. 13. My firft is the plain and frequent expreflions of Scripture, mentioning both the guilt, punifhment and pardon of Believers, which I have fufficiently elfewhere produced. Concla.14.My fecond proof isfromthe very nature oftheGofpel- promife, and the Saints necefsityof dailypardon. Where there is no obligation to punifhment, there is no pardon : For pardon is but the diffolving of the obligation to punifhment that is , of guilt : no man can pofsibly be forgiven that is not firft guilty of fin to punifhment : 1?emifsio, eft Debiti Remifsio obligationis difoetal° : It mutt be therefore pcend dekta, that mull be remit- ted : As it is evil it is due to the Euler, as it is a means to the end of Government , fo the advantage of it is due to the Common- wealth, that is, to the Church, and fo to God. Now for any man to denyhis neceffity of pardon , when Chrift bids us daily pray, Forgive us our trefpaffes and when Scripture fo often and ex- prefly mentioneth our pardon after believing, and dire&eth to means for that end, ( Ifyou confef.ryourfint,be ufaithful and jug to forgive, (7c.) is to deny a plain truth, and I doubt, to difclaim a duty which is of necefsity to falvation , that is, believing for pardon or flying to Chrift for pardon by Faith, in Prayer and Confeffion. I conclude therefore that it is of certain truth that the Law is HI in force againft Believers , fo far as to make them need a pardon from Chrifl by the Gape' , for every fin they commit : And this is all that ever I afferted , which is byTome men accounted fuch occurred and dangerous Doctrine, agaieft Chrift and free-Grace ; when I foberly profefs to the world, that I would ( if the Lord fliould firengthen me , according to my prefent