(iii) fins of the prefent world, or ever fuffered any punifhment that was their due, Conchs. 16. To thefe let me add the univerfal confent of the Church of Chrift,till of late' ; I think I neednot tell any man, that ever was converfant in the Fathers in any considerable mea- fure, how unanimoufly they agree in this , without any question made ofit, that Believers themfelves fall under guilt upon renew- ed, fins, and have need of frefh pardon ; yea they thought that many aftions mutt be performedwhich were fine quibus non , to actual pardon : Were it not pail all doubt , I could and would quickly giveyou teftimony enough ofthis : that decantate fpeech of Atiffins may fuffice for all, fo commonly approved by Prote- itant Divines, Non Remittitur peccatton,nifi Reflituatur ablatum, without Reftitution, there is no Remiffion. Comthi. 17. Nor have the Reformed Churches forfaken the An- tient Churches of Chrift in this Dotirine, as is evident in all their Confeffions pall doubt. I will cite thewords of that moft learned and famous Synod of 'Dort , confifting of the Delegates of fo many Churches , eArrtic. 5. §. 5. Yahibus asstem enormibus pec- catis Deusvalde oYendunt, Reams; mortis incurrunt, Spiritism S. contrifiant,fidei exercitium interrumpunt,confcientiarngraviffiny volnerant, fenfamgratia ad tempus nonnunquam amittunt : donee per pram Refipifeention in viam revertentibta paternus Dei vultsts rurfum affulgeat. Conchs. t 8. The ReverendDivines of this Nation,have gone commonly the fame way, as is undeniably evident in their Pra- aical Tradates. Inftead of troubling you with many particu- lars, I will giveyou many in one, viz. in the Confeffion and Cate- chifmofour late Reverend Affembly : (We/. Ch. 6. §. 6, Every fin, both original andaaual , being a tranfgreffion of the righteous Lawof God, and contrary thereunto, doth in its own nature , bring guilt upon theinner, Whereby he is bound over to the Wrath of god, and Curfe of the LaW,andfo madefubjeel to death, with all mifiries fpiritual, temporal, and eternal. Here is as much , if not more, then ever I faid : If any objeti, that they only fay it is the nature of fin to do thus if Chrift did not prevent it ? I anfwer, No fuch matter : They fay not, It would do thus, but It dodo thus ; and that Chrift came only to prevent our guilt and obligation to puniihment, and confequently to prevent our need of pardon for any