Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(I 14) 2. I hope many of them hold not thole errors practically and predominantly, but fpeculatively,which the contrary opinion lyes, though clouded and unobferved, yet moft pratlical in their fecfet minds. Were it not for this hope, I confefs,I would fluke ofall communion with this fort of men, and look on their cafe as de- plorate. Yet they would make great out-cryes againft me , if I fhouid allow a Papift or Socinian fo charitable thoughts , as if it were pofsible for them to hold their more defperate errors but fpeculatively. Conti. 21. They that deny that every fin of the Regenerate deferveth Gods wrath and curfe, milt affirm that Chrift bath de- ftroyed the very Law of nature. And they that hold that the Law of nature is not cleftroyed,muft needs hold that we deferve Gods wrath and curfe for fin. For this is moft legibly written in that Law. If any fay, We do deferve it, but yet we are not guilty , or obliged to punifhnaent, I .4'nfiv. That is a contradidion if by guilt and obligation,you mean,the firft duenefs of the puniflament, before Remifsion come in and deftroy the guilt. For the Defert of punifhment, is but what U dace by the Law ofrattan. Ifthey fay, we only deferve what Chrift bath fuffered, andnot that we fhould fuffer our felves. Now he bath already fuffered I Anfw. The mifunderftanclingof the natureofChrifts fatisfadion is theRoot of all thefe mifchievouserrors. We firft deferve it to our felves, before it can be confidered asdue to t.,brift, becaufe due to us : and Chrift fuffered what would be due to us, upon forefight that it would be due to us : and therefore he did not die to prevent that due but to remove it. Nor did he take us from under Gods Go- vernment by his death : and therefore we are Subjeds, and under the Moral Law,which cloth Rill bind us to obey or fuffer till Chrift pardon. Remifsion is not the immediate effeet ofChrifts death, nor comes from his blood as 'bed only : but as Applied after it is confidered as /Zed. I donot ufe to find Practical Divines in their Writings or Sermons, perfwade Chriftians only that they deferved that Chrift should fuffer, or teach only fuck Confefsions to God ; But alfo that themfelves have deferved to themfelves the Wrath ofGod, and Curie ofhisLaw And I do not ufe tohear Pradi- Chriftians in their prayers, only confefsing. Lord , xre haw de- fer:Jed the fteferings of Chrift ; alfo , Lord, we deferve thy :47ath and corfefor curfins, czar fins, Such obfervations make