Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

( 38) SECT, III. F our own Divines areio be credited, then I have proved that Mr. E. and Mr. Cr. are not. I come now to give you the teftimOnies of the Papifts themfelves concerning their own Faith. - t. Bellarmine (Printed Ingolft. 1605 so.) pag. 2567 2568, &c. cap. 17. lib. 5 . de 7aftificat. (which I cited already to Mr. E.) determineth the queftion, Vtrum opera bonafint meritoriaex con. kno ratione Falb tantum ? ant rationeoperis tantum ? aut ratione utriufque ? Media (inquit ) fententianobis videtur probabilior , qua docet opera bona-74°mm meritoria effe vita aterme ex condig- no,ratione pal & °permfirnul ;non quidem quod finepaSlo, vel Ac- ceptationenon habeatpus bonum proportionem ad vitam aternam ; fed quilt non tenetur Deus acceptare ad illammercedem opus bonum2 quarnvis par & aquale mercedi,nifi conventio interveniat. ,Quam [ententiam conformem effe non dubitamus Concilio Tridentino & principibus7heologorum S. Thom. S. Bonavent. & aliis. pag.. 2570. lam vero opera bona juftorum meritoria effe vita aterna ex condigno, non felon; ratione pa0i &acceptationis, fed etiam ratione operks ita ut in opere bolo exgratia precedente fit quadam proportio & quantas ad pramium vita aterna probatur his argumentis. And fo he annexeth 7 Arguments to prove the Proportion ; and in anfwering Durandus, faith, that as the feed naturally contains the. tree, Sic etiam charitas Dei in corde ollffitfa,morali ,meritoriaque vir- tritegloriam ipfam continet. And the 18. Chap. he beftoweth in anfwering the objeftions made againft this. And lib. 1. c. 21. efpecially pag. 2208, 2209, he laboureth to prove potius fun- dari rneritum de Congruo in aliqua dignitate operU, quam inpro- miffione. If I fhould add no more, me thinks that mans face ftiould blufb ( whether Mr. Cr. Mr. E. or his Patrons who faid the like) that affirmed that Bellarmine himfelfgave no more to works then I ; and that he owned no, other merit then I, and that ( as Mr. E. faith) the Papifts ownednomerit, but expatio ; nay that no Pa- pifts