(140) viedfcbolaftici &cunt exopere operato. ralent ergofaerificiaoWata adremiffidnem criminans & peccat orson id eft reliquiartan qua in :obis rennanferant poll indalgentiam calparum. Et part. I. page 1°8. Conjungimits Contritionens & fatisfdlionem qua perfelli .Deo Reconciliant :sr peccatores per bona c- pendia opera.. 9. Cofterus Enchirid. cap. 7. de I/ferias bonor.op. page (nlibi) 286. 0biervandurn ej7 fcripturam quando de Retributione loquitur, eade,V verbornm formula uti cum aoit de ja.flo reddenelis pramiis, qua ititnr rum improbis fupplicia d;sotnciat, C e perfpiciatsir, non minus nos bonis aBionibta ceternamfcelicitatem, quam ma/is & flagitiolis promereri aterna fapplicia. Et p. 288. Ira opera noftra proper Chrifitoff, qui noble cot membrUutitur,&fpiritarnfanaum- inhabitanten:, &per nos operantem, dignarant ccelefii pramio. Et p. 289. 2. Intelligimus ex dittis rationem bane 7tillithe qua Deus ateruar,svitdm juflis in mercedemoperum donat, adutramque qui- dens 'militiapartemalipth mode pertinere. ea tamen magic eltk erre difiributivans qua perfiwarans dignitatens intuetur, quam Commustativans, qua operuns aquabilitatensconliderat. So that he takes the reward tobe partty,though not principally according to Commutative Juftice. And page 294. 3. Con(iderantur ut effeaa filio Dei, asp:4 inhabitants Spirits fanao, qua Confideratione apt:akar invenitar inter opera & prativiona, veranspse :meritstm ,AtfIll Juftitiam. 10. W. Bythop againft Perkins Reformed Cathol. of Nitric faith,4uftin faith, That the Rewardcannot go before the Merit, nor hgiven to a man before he be Worthy ofit, for (faitb be) what Weremore esnjall then that?andwhat xi more jolt thenGod?1.de mor. ,Ecclel: c. 25. wherebe conciudeth that we mall not.be. fi; hardly as once to demand, much left fo impudent as to afore our"'elves ofthat CroWn, before we have Deferved it Seeing then the. Protellants by this their prator, renounce alllsxhmerit anddefirs,, they mull needs alfo renounce their part ofheaven, .andnot preftemefo much as once to demand it, &c. and muchmore after on thefame point ; making a. Geometrical Proportion necefary , and to bevies mans Merits, thoughnot an Arithmetical: I; Bailius Catechif.part. 4 .goe: 17. ut inRiveti Cashol.Orthod. To. 24.312313: (I will not tire the Reader in vainiwith,reciting the likewords ofeach Author.) Lindan.us sn Tanop/ia lib. 3. cap. 20. &feepsentibta. IR Sat,