Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(LP) 13, Salmeron adGalatas difinetelt. 15,16,17,18. 14. Becanus Tract. Coispcd. ex Manuals lib. I. cap. 19. de bowl operibus. 15. Maldonatus Difput. de Sacrament. Tom. 2. p. (m hi) 85, 95,96,98, 189. Idtin in Luke 17.7, 8. & fiepiilinie in Mat. &r Mar. & Luke,&c. 16. Genebrarcl in Pfal. 18.ver.13. p. T 07. & in Tfal.142;13. 894. 6- page 74 17. Pererius in Rom, cap. 6 Diflutt. lc) num. 53. 18. Joh. ArbOTCUS Theoloph. lib. 2. Cap. 17 101.3 1, 32,33.- See how Mr. 19. Pintus in Eztk. 37. page 422, 423, &c. Wotton De-. 20. Lombard fent.116.2dift. 27. C. D. E. F. cij.q. I I. D. fence of Per kin page a8J3,, 4. 15. qu. 5. p.1. arr. I. & zfent. dill. 27. 2.8. charges 22 Mfffilius in 2. V4.18 art 3, Concl. 3. /Wending,. 23. Franfcifc. de Daventria Exeeef.Contr. CanfechAuguftf46. 24. Gregor. de V.elentia inThom. Tom. 2. difp.8. qu. 6. & de Gratia Diving cap. 25. Albertus n 1.arig.41. art. z. ad 2In & z6. Gabr. Biel. in 3. fent. elift.27. & in 4 fent. difi. 14. g.i,z 27. Ferrarienfis contra costes cap.149. dub. alt. 28. Adrian Leed/ib 7. qu. 4. 29. Almain in 2. & in 4..fre90- 3. Nicol. de Orbellis in 2. fent. di ft. 27. juft as Amin& he anfWers, and out ofRicardge. 31. All the Sorbonifis in e"Irtic Parifienf. d facult.S.Theel. Tarienf. 4, &c. (erta & firma fide credendsim efi, peccatorem non foliem fide, fed ex operibiu uflificari, &c. Opera merentur vitam aternam & per confequens infiificant hominem Nos claninamiar propter wale; opera,, ergo Isifilficamur propter Vid Calvini hoc eirtic..Confiet 3 2.Pennottus Propugnacul. cap.13.n.d- 19 per totem where he labours to prove that both Juftification and perfeverance are Merited de Cangriso t and anfwers Dominic. afoto,whocontradiaeth that Merit, .,, 3 3 Capreolus Defenf.Theal. rho. lib. 2. dlr.' 27; goes the fame way as Aq14111414, and fpeaks as exaaly to the point as any of diem, maintaining Meriturn gloria de Co4difwo ex- Proportione Geometrica annon 4'?ithmetiea, vetex aqtt4trate proportiatlii cif): _non c9te intitatit and, laboriou anfwers Deeranlee