Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(r43) more toworks then T, nor hold themMeritorious any otherwife then I, who wholly difclaim the very fitnefs of the Name, much more the proportion of our works to the Reward Lit thole Readers that know it not already, obferve alfo that the Papifts very much differ about the doetrine ofmerit among themfelves : Infomuch a, our Moderate and Learned Divines, do even in the point of Merit of Condignity, take the difference tobe but about the very name of Merit, between us and force of them, and not the Thing. Yet even thefe, whom our Divines ufe to cite as onour fide, do give more, in words at leaft, to mans works then ever I durft do : For they think the name ofmerit to be fit, and fo do not I : ( betides that in their (latrine of fatisfa- etions they go yet further and ufe more unfeemly terms then in the former.) The Divines that give leaft to Merit, as denying Condignity, are Scotus ,rega,cerfon, Stella,Cafrander, &c. Yet thefe go fur-, they then I dare follow them. 1. Scotus affirmeth that 71/feritum eft Caufa Infirtsmentalis fpeaupramii, & per meritum acquiritur premium. I take mans works tobe no Caufes of the Reward, as fuch, nor to be Merits. (f/id. Scot. in i . fent. di(1.17.q. 2. &) in 4. fent, dft. z. q. 5 (mihi) 3. p. 2. he faith, hoc abfolute conceditur. Et in 4. fent. diff. 14. qts. 2. fol. 124,121. Astria° eft Difpofitio five meritum de Congruo addeletionempeccati mortalm & indsailionem 7nflitia, &c. et poflea itlo infianti infundereturGratia, quid price t, meritumftsfficiens de Congruo, &c. quare non istflificabitur in ul- timo inflanti, &c. Vide etiam in4. fent. difl. 2. q.1 I. fol.19, & 13, 9. 2, fol. 118.K.6. dift. 22. q. I. art. 2. fol. 169. & daft. 49. q.i.fol. 263. 2. Vega himfelf faith in 0pule. de Isaftifac. q. 7.prop. 4. Fides alia bona opera,quibas difionimor ad gratiam gratum facientern, cilleritoriaftint ex Congruo ejuidena gratia & noftrx luflificationis. Et in Defenf. Coned, li. 8, c. 8. "Pofont peccatores fide, fpe, di- - Ialione, eleemofpla, pcersitentia &martyrio aliis bonis operi- bus Mereri ex Congruogratiam lufilficationts. Where did ever I fay this much ? 3. Vide Alvarez de At4xiM,faying too much,difp.59. per tot. 4_. Vide &fl e114m inLaw, cap. I7, page 222. Gerfile