Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(144) '5. Galen faith, de Defcript. Tominor. ltferitam ( ingenere ) -elf atlas laudabiliafaElles ad bonum alterins,vere vcl vel reputativepro quoexigitur premium dicitter pi' op- ter Deam,gut bonorum nofirorumnon eget. Et ateritsou v.ta xteme eft antes laudabilis, quo ¶Dignificat Deutbomisiorad vitam aternam. He faith alfo, 0perumpart.3.fo1.329 . A Eck Gromorfii, that God hath a Law, qua non liget ad* oblervationem : eam qmppedeferens pwnam nonMaterrit : Impletio tamers epospramitem. meretur c Coronam. Etfol. ; 19 2; D. he faith that Pita nature ( finegratia) potefl mereri bona temporalia ; and that not expaCto, fedpropter quandam adaquationem °pram konoram fuorum de ge-' Here, adbonum temporale, & fepe de Cingroe ad vitam gratia difponit. 6. (Melchior Canus Loc. Com. 1. 1 3. pag. miki) 43o. Dap/i- cesPunt operationes nofine. ,*.cedam qua: nollro nomine reddimus, 6- lux noftr'd GrataMeritifgue nituntur ut eleemofjna ejti- num. SECT. I V. Will trouble my felf and the Reader with no more of this a work. Only that all this be not mifufed to the further aliena- tionof mens minds from each other, then there is jult caufe, I fay again that i.All the Papifts are not to be charged with theopinion of fome Soto and fome others deny all merit of Congruity. Scotus, and many more Schoolmen and others, deny all merit of Condignity, fave what is expatio : ( vid. Scot. i.fent. dift. 17. .2. pig. 1,38. ( Edit. Venet. r 5c6.) Some of them, as Durandus, e.diriminenfis &c. deny all proper merit of Condignity , whe- ther exopere orexpaUo , and differ not fromProteflants in this, any further then in the ufe ofthe name. waldenfil is fo far againft the name is Pelf, that ( as he is cited by many of our Divines) he faith, se is the molt pious Divine and the belt Chriftian, that ac- knowledgeth no merit at all. And Contarerm and 'Paulus Bur. genfis are content to go with him : And the reft of the Papifts with C'ontarenus that held the conference at Ratiobone with our Divines,