Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(145) Divines,for Reconciliation , confent to lay by thevery word Merit : andours confenteto forbear to fay, we are juftified by Faith only, and fo weand they did whollyagree in the point of Merit. 2. Yea, I may add that their latter writers, efpecially theEng- lifh,do feemmore willing to withdraw from the higher fort , and to give lefs toMerits, then others formerly did. And I can truly lay, that of all thePapifts that ever I conferred with, I never yet met with two that did not difclaimmerit with feeming zeal , and profefs to truft in the foie merits of Chrifts. Though confefs lam jealous that this Reformation is not general inother Coun- tries, but calculated to the Meridian of England : becaufe the jefultes and Priefts know that theodium of the nameof merit, is Mop tr the Pit- a great prejudice to their caufe, therefore they do not here indue their profelytes fo deeply with this Dodrine : However it be , 3,,flfiic.ion'a am glad it is fo for thepoor peoples fake. Their late Chriftian Wdtton. pag. Moderator, mentioneth fome late profefsion of theirs wherein 243,)faiths they profefs that by Merit, they mean nothing but Rewardable : treedgaeck:or andRewardablenefs no Proteftant denyeth. Many of them are content to deny the name of merit, to that yWartoltienhinabgvelYfeo'hree(ard ofCongruity before Converfion. Petrus Sandolofeph inSuavi Concordia, profcientia Med.Difput. z,. de Prcedefl. Sett. 4. mg. 3 5, that every fin- 36,&c. faith, .Affertio I. ex commani omnium Catbolicorsers Sen- fingLiyU olfteged tentia prima Gratia non dater ex meritis naturalibut pneae- Neer Grace ftinati fed ex mera Dei ltberalitate & tniferecordi4t, q. d. of God, initium lugtficationis non efe ex wind , fed ex Dei Gra. through the Naito! aria tat, &c. And Franeircus ei Sanwa clara, is fo moderate as to fay .( 1 35, 136. Deus natura, Grat.) Non omnt promSb Conaittona to inducit Prornifario 'kat in Scripturis dun) fey: promittitur peceatoribvs Remrfofi penituerint, Collatio Remionis velprimagratit, non eft ex juflitia,fecundum ornnet ; quia requi- riturfolumut difofitio ad illam, nonut opusfufficiens adfundandram fuflition. fuflitia ergo oritur ex Conditionefolum qua exigit quandam condgnitatem omit, non folum aliqualem decentiam opera operantit. And indeed molt or all of them difclaim this juftice in their merit of Congruity. I would they would fay plainly , It is no merit at all : and fay the like of their merit of Con- dignity. V One IMINNo.wasior '41