(i 46 ) One thing moreI would fay toprevent mifunderaandings, and abufes of others. It will be exceedingneceffaryfor young men, that have not read the Papifts themfelves, to gather what is their judgement fromour moil learned, judicious Divines who knew what theyPaid of them, and,were not carried by paffion or pre. judice towrong them : and not to take all for cerrain that every hot Preacher fpeaks of themat random ; nor that fore lefs ju- dicious and more pafsionate writers do affirm For, to fpeak freely and truly many fuch there are that arebetter skilled in wounding then healing, in dividing , then doingour common du- ty againft divifions, and in mif- reporting or {training words to the utmoft advantage of the enemyof peace. If you ask me who thofe writers be that I would commend to fuch, as dealing molt candidly and truly with the Papifts in this point, and from whom a young Schollar may credibly take an eflimate of their Dodrine : I Anfw. Amongmany others, thefe feven I would commend to you for this ufe, as the faithfulleft Re- porters of the Popifh Doctrine of Merit. Davenant, de Inflit. AElual. watton de Reconcil. Chamier, de Merit. in aufir. ro.ffius inThef.de Meritis bon. operuno. Camero,Trelea &c. Dr. Fieldof the Church, and Bithop Vlher. Not that I would difparage any other faithful men ; but I will name to young men but few. And becaufe it will not only ThewMr. Crandons and Mr. Eyre: unworthy dealing with me, but may be a means to keep the younger Schollars from mifapprehenfions of the true mate of the Controverfie herein between the Proteftants and thePapifts, and fo may prevent the guilt ofmuch fin many wales I will here an- nex the words of one of thefe Divines, ( faithfully tranflated, for the ufe ofthe EnginReader. ) Davenant, ( de Inffit. aluali cap: 5 3.) thus opens the Rate of the Controverfie. What the Adverfaries hold concerning this and what u to beheld according to the Ruleof Verity, I (hall nextfhew. And filing that on both, fides in this Controverfie, the Authority of the holy Fathers U wont to be pretended, it will be Worth the labour to prenule ina few Wards What occurreth them,which mayTeem to favour either the Adve;faries or us ; This therefore in,thefirft place nouft be granted, that the words merit and meriting are frequently ufed b7 the Latine Father!,