(148) nothing elfe, then a work that Amidobtain the Reward by Gods Or- dinationlwithotet equality of value to the Reward, Without Debt of lupe in Godtogive the ReWard. Whence he faith, fine art. ad 3. That our atlion bath not, thenature of merit, but upon prefuppoli- lionof DivineOrdination, and that God is not made a Debtor pm. pi) to us, but to himfelf; in as mochas it is due that his Ordination be fulfilled. Durandus, by a meritorious 0117 underfiandeth nothingelle then an aa ordinable to Rewardand exprefly denyeth,tbat merit of Condignity firialy taken, can be in man to God. To tbefe Imay an numerate Scotus, Gregory, Occam, Gabriel, Alfonfus and very many other Papills of belt note, Who profefedly taught that the works if the righteous done by the help of Grace, had yet no intrin- fecal Condignity to eternal life, but as to this Reward, they wholly refiedon thegracious acceptance andpromifeofGod.we will not there- fore have any Controverfie with the Fathers, nor with thefe founder Scboolnun , about the bare Wordmerit, ( though it be much better andf;ifer toabflainfrom this Word) but we Will contend againft the latter Papifis,who fo defendmerit, as thatfor thefe Works which they call merits, they affirm Godhimfelf to bean Issflice a Debtor to men, anddomake a Condignity or Equality between thefe merits of mans dindthe Reward of Eternalglory. So far Daven4nt. And if Proteftants can fo far digeft fuch words of thofeof Aquinas which I cited, by the help of other explications , as to profefs that we differ but inwords fromhim, (who fpeaketh more hatibly then molt of the ancient Schoolmen> I leave it then to the enquiry of the learned, and moderate, what the number of the Papiftsproportionablymay be, that weagree with , or differ from in this point : And if Proteftants will have no Controverfie with Fathers andcubPapiftsabout the barenameofmeritIT leave ittoconfideration, withwhat peaceablenefs and fobriety Mr. Cr., and Mr. E. did write, and how like to Proteftants they dealt, in makingmea Papift,who difclaim the very name ofmerit : yea, in raying, that the worft of Papifts maintainnoother merit then I dowho deny all, properly focalled.. Learned Dr. Field in the Appendix to his thirdBookof the Church, citeth many Papifts, as faying,thee fame withus about fullificationand Merit,and be approveth evenof Stapleton: Do- &rine and he there tellsus., that the Papifts and Proteftant-Di, vine at the conference-at; Ratisbone fully -agreed in the pointof Juftification,