Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

m---vir litNadsa-,4Li 1WI pa A Ailimitiiimmwm...11111ENE*416 ( 150) me, 1 think I ought to be pardoned , if1 do knowingly and purpofely abflain from that difputation , cf iillJgh there::4no.footfiep in the Council of Trent , in fo long, and fo artificially and accurately compareda Definition of Iugification. And thus 1 have truly {hewed both inword and deed, how far the Papifts go beyond me, in the Doctrine of merit ; and yet have given you the Judgement of our molt learned Divines concern.. ing the true Rate of the Controverfie (in part) left any fhould be provoked by miftake, to think that wediffer further then we do. Formy part I am in this matter of the fame Judgement as Dave- nant, and juft fo far as he,clo I differ from them , in the point of merit and Juftificationbyworks, if I be able to underftand his meaning andmine own : and this I cheerfully and unfeignedly profefs : But every angry man that out-goeth him, I cannot ac-_, company. CHAP.Vii. What it is that I mean by Antinomianifin : And what Itake to be the truth which it opinfetb. PrHere are yettwo parts of my task remaining, which I under- ' took, in referrence to the offended Antinomians, before I come to the exceptions of the Orthodox. The firft is,,to acquaint the world what it is that 'call Antinomianifrn : Mr. E. and.Mr. Cr. would perfwa,de men that I mean the Proteftant Religion,and that an Antinomianand an Anti-Papift with me are all one. Were it but to convict thefe men of falfhood, I would fay nothingto this ; it being as needlefs to impartial men, as to convict a Maho- metan oferrour:But becaufe I would leave no room for unbro- therly jealoufies, nor matter of this kind for unconfcionable cen- forioufnefs to work upon, I will freely declare what are thole opinionswhich I take to belong to the Antinomians, as differing from