trsl) from the Proteftants Though as I know every Aritinomian holdeth not them all, fo I will not call them Antinornians that hold but fome of the Idler and more innocent ; ( though I think the leaft be very bad, ) And that what I than mention are indeed the Antinomifts opinions , I appeal to the Reverend Minifters that have converted with them efpecially about London : as alfo to the writings of Dr. Crifpe,ToWn,Cornwal,Eaton Den, 3altruarfh and the refit well known among us.: as alfo to Mr. Welds Rife, Reign, and Ruine of Antinomianifin and Familifm in New-England:, as alto to the writings of our Divines againft them : efpecially Mr. Gataker, Mr. Burro, Mr. Rutherford, Mr. Bedford, Mr. geree, Dr. Taylor. And that youmay fee what I hold, as well as what I difclaim , I will give the two extreams in two Columnes , and that which I take to be both the Truth and the Doarine of the Reformed Churches, in the middle. Antinoin. Truth. 1. pArdonoffin,Re- conciliation,and luflification are Im- manent <A is in God, and from Eter- nity : So that evenbe- fore men believe , yea 'before they didfin, yea before they were born , yea before ever arifi dyed for them , the Elea were Aclually luflified , pardoned , andReconciled to God; though not mani- fe ed i. C"Iod did of his kJ own good plea- lure Decree from Eter- nity ' to do all that he dothin time : and par- ticularly to give tocer- tain Individual determi- nate perfons Paving faith in Chrift,and there- upon pardon,and Juftifi- cation, or Right to Im- punity, and to life. But this Decree is no A6lual juftification or pardon, nor gives them the Paid Right ; but fuppofeth it .410t yet given elfe G ad could Papifis and others in the other extreanie oddidnot from Eternity Im- mutably and perem- ptorily Decree the actu- al, abfalute tion, pardon orfalva- tion ofany Individual perfons,but only of Be- lievers in general, or men if they believe, never decreeinginfid- libly to caure any Indi- vidualperfons fo to Be- lieve:or at 14 he was moved by .the forefeen r)-orks