Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(I 2) Antinorm Truth. jefied fuch, nor lufti- could not Decree here- fl& after to give it : feed in confeience. feeling. Lion is not therefore an Immanent ad,nor is any Eternal act called Jeitifi- cation in Scripture nor any Infidel or impeni- tent fanner , faid to be Juftified. 2 5efus Chrifl was fo, thepublick per- fon, containing inGods Account all theElect, that they did in Gods Account , or in Law- fenfe , obey, and per- fectly by obeying, ful- fill all the Law in Chrifl: So that Godand his Law do take them thereupon , though yet unborn , as having perfectly in Chrift obeyed. ( Mr. Cr. Pith few confidera- ble men own this.) 3. l E fl rtm Gods lu Chrifl fatis- -1 ed flice as in the perfoi, of all his 2. jEfus Chrift being -11- God and man, and by the Union ofnatures in one perfon,being capable even in the humane na. ture to merit for others ; did as the fecond Adam , perfealy obey the Law , and by that and his fuf- ferings didmerit of God, all that good which fhould after beconferred on the Elea ( or any others) for that confide- ration ; but we did not in Gods account or the Laws, obey our felves in Chrift : nor did he there- in perfonate any man more then other; nor did God intend man the be- nefits imtnediately,but in his time and way. 3.1 EfusChrift,as the pub, like Sponfor, did bear the punifbment deferved by the fins of the world, and Contrary-Extream. works of men todecree thisfor them : and fo theCaufe of the diffe . rence,between them and others, is originally of themfelves. 2. cHrill (fay tome) was fo oblig- ed as a creature to keep the Law, as that he did it for him-- felt , or at the ta- me that he might be a fit Redeemer, as having no guilt of his own : But he did not obey for us, Jo as to merit any thing for its at Gods hands thereby : And as a creature, he was un- capable of meriting at Gods hands,for himfelf or for its : (fo force of our moll learned Di- vines fay.) 3. THB Socinians fay, that eft,'" Chrift didnot undergo any