Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

AlIPMEtt- .71V Antinom. bis Elect; fo that in Law-fonfeandGods accoant,They them . laves didfatisfle in and by Chrifl 5 and it was to them all one as if they had fatisfied in their natural perfons , fo that Chri fls fuffer- ings were the pro- per full execution of the threatning of the Law to man: andfo acquits them ipfo facto , on the meerfuffering; and fo it is theirs as paid or fuffered by arig, and Accept- ed by God, without or before any fur- ther means of con- veyance or Appli- cation, togive them a right in it, or its fruits. This opini- on is inconfiflent with the former : for if we perfectly obeyed in Chrifl , what need we to Herfor difobedi- ence in Chrifl ? at lafl (153) Truth. and made to his Father a fatisfaftion fufficient for the fins of all : But this he did in the perfonof a Me- diator, that undertook to bear this penalty , and not in the perfonof the Elea, or any particular firmer, to as that in Law-fenfe they themfelves might be faid to have fatisfied in him as ful- ly as if in their natural per- fons they had born the whole penalty of the Law, for every fin : And he be- ing not himfeif the offen- dor , but the Mediator Chrifts facrificewas not the proper fulfilling ofthe Law according to the fenfe of its Threatning to man but a valuable confidera- tion, on which God might grant pardon and Grace to (inners in his time, and on fit terms , with the honour of his wifdorn, Juilice and Mercy. And fo being a re- fufable payment : it was ac- cepted. but to thole ends which the Gofpel manifeft- eth, viz, that men might have pardon and life given them bya Law of Grace in and with Chrift : and not be pardoned ipfo luau on thefatisfadion t Though fatisfaftion ftrietly refpe- eting God as Legiflator and Contrary Ext ream. anypenaltyforourfins as the meritorious or promeritorious caufe; but only as occafions and that' he did not make any fatis- faction to Gods -it. (lice for us : but only Her from the cruelty of wicked men, and not as from a I:uft, offend- ed God : and fit us a coppy or ex- ample of Patience by his death , for our Imitation. 0 - thers fay , that Chrift did fatisfle for fin ; but fo e- qually for all men, that he had no fpe- cial intent in his dying, of commu- nicating Pardon , ufli cation and the other benefits of his death , any more to his Elect, or any known In- dividual perfons then to all the rell of the world : And that he intended X no