Antinom. leaf? for any fin ex- cept original , iffor that ? Iwill not call this opinion properly Antinomian, becaufe force of our own have ftoken too incaute- loully about it: but in- deed it is this or the. former , that mu animate all their er- rors, and is the very life and .foul of them all: fo that they can> not be avoided; if one ofthefe be held.) 4, VV Hen Ghrift had fuffer- edandrofe again ju- flifled, All the Elea did inLaw fenceand Gods account rife ju- fiified in Chrill and fo their jitflification before God is com,- pleated : andthey are s righteopps Ghrig himfelfwasrighteous, as having the fame righteoufnefs,by being then reputatively in hm, when hf was ju- #ied, ( I 54) utb. contrary Extream: and Reaor per Leger , be for all men : yet if you take the word as comprizing all the ends and intents of God and the Mediator, fo, as God did fpecially intend the infallible juftification and falvation of his Elea, by Chrift, fo did Chrift-dying intend the fame ; and therefore to give them faith to that end. But we mutt fill carefully diftinguifh be- tween that which Chat offer-. ed and God accepted as Reaor and Lawgiver; and his further intendments as Determiner of Events, and fo as the Eleaor of his chofen. no more but to giveout it conditi- onal pardon toall, without determi- ning to caufe any infallibly to per- form that condi- tion , and fo be aHually partakers of thole benefits. 4. CI-Irift might be faid 0....dupon his Refurredi- on to be juftified himfelf, fo far as he might be faid by fu- fception and imputation of our faults to be guilty. But no individual perfonwas a- dually juftified in that his juftification. And though even as the publique perfon, he might be faid to be then juitified, yet he never was fo the publique perfon, as that we were really or reputa- tively then aaually exiftent in him, nor confequently ju- ftified in him : No man be- ing in him, united to him, or 4. 'T-4He Socinians makeour righ- teoufnefs to confift wholly inour own ho- ly (Qualiftcationsand actual obedience, and the pardon of fin without any pis-Ja- e-lion to lullice And therefore that as the fins of the World were never charged upon drift, fo far ad to caufe him to undergo the penalty for them ro he