Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

Antinom: Med. So that as tru- ly as himfelf was righteous by his obedience, fatisfaccii- on and refUrreilion, fo truly and perfectly with the very fame righteoufnefs are all the Elea righteous, thoughyet unconver- ted, and the groffert (inners , or perfecu- tors of the truth ;yea as Righteous when perfecutors, as when penitent and belie- vers : for evenbelie- givers can be no more righteous then Chrill himfelf. 5. .Hrill is the only perfon Covenanted with by God : or the ivew Covenant is not made to us 5 but to chrifl only, andwith him : Or ( as o- thers fay, that would feem more under- flanding) The New Covenant is not made 155 ) 7'rtab. a Member ofhim, but by Faith. But when they exift by faithithen they are in him the head And as to the bearing of fin or punifh- ment, and the fatisfaftion of lance , Chriit was in the place of mankinde in gene- ral, and not of thecleft on- ly : fo may it be faid of his rifing from that punith- ment, though it was for the Elea fpecially, as to the in- tentionof their Good. Our Righteoufnefs therefore be- fore we believe cannot be faid to be in Chrift dyingor rifinga&ually,but only cau- fally, as the effeCt in a meri- torious caufe, not yet legal- ly applyed to our felves. Contrary EXVC1111. he could not be laid to be juflified from any fuch charge up- on his RefurreCtion, when he overcame the fuffering. And fo that- his Refur- reclion was but to confirm his media- torfhip and dodring, and put him in a capacity of Ruling and teaching us, and not the conquefl of any penal filer- ings. 5. S the eternal will of the Father and fon, concerning mans Redempti- on,maybe improperly called a Covenant between the Fa- ther and Son,and the promi- fes ofa Saviour to the world, may be called a Covenant to man concerning a Redeem- er ; and the prophetical pre- diftions or promifes made before Chrifts incarnation, and direeted as to him incar- nate, may be alto improper- X z ly 5. Eft" Ghri on- ly undertook on his part to fa- ' tisfie Gods luflice for the fins of all alike , and with equal Intention of their Good. And God only gave him the World as his purchafe hereupon that he might pro- pound