Antinom. made with its ineme- diatly and dire3ly, but only a/s we are in. Chrif , and Jo con- fequentially, , and in- direaly with its. ( Hence it would follow, that there is no promife to us but only, for la to Chrift : and that there is no duty im- pofed on us by the Covenant 5 but on- ly on Chrig : and they profefs that Chrill, is the only Undertaker, and the Condition is requi- red only of him , and not of us, and therefore fay that it is his lin if we break Covenant, and let him fee to it Nay , how can we break or keep Cove- nant with God , none be made with e ot: how can we be laid to be in Co-, qienant with God ? 6, The 56) Truth. Coatrary ExLream. ly called a Covenant then pound the terms of with the Son fo we readily mercy to them , con- confefs, that there was a pe- tained in the New culiarLaw impofedonChrift incarnateconcerning our re- demption, and peculiar pro- miles made to him oncondi. tion of his performance of his part for our Redempti- on; and that this is fitly cal- led a Covenant between God the Father and the Me- diator; and that the giving of the Elea to Chrift to be infallibly drawn to believe, and fo to be juitified,adopt- ed,fanftified and glorified,is part of the matter of that Covenant. But that is a di- ftin& Covenant from that which is made to man:There is, befides that,a new Cove- nant or LawofGraceenaa- ed by God Redeemer,which determineth on what,terms juftificationsand falvation,&' other fubordinate benefits (hall be due in Law-fence, and fo prefcribeth man his duty and the condition, & giveth him right to the be- nefits:According to this Law {ball we be judgedAnct this is not made with Chrift,but with us. God clothnot promife Chrift to pardon him or us, ifChrift will re- pent, believe, &c. in the Gofpel fenfe. It is a mot's` weighty & needful thing forevery Chriftian to fee the Covenant between the Father and thilledeemer,and that between God and,the Redeemed , in their true difference, 6,The Covenant made with man : viz. That whofoever will Re- pent and believe (hall. be _raved : and fo leave it to their Natural Free-will, afsifled with an in- different, fufficient, aniverfal,non-diflin- guifhingGrace,toful- fill the conditions.But Godnever gave the Elea to chrifi, ante7 cedently to`their own. Believing, any more then others. Nor did Chrift undertake , or purpofe by any differ- encing Grace to draw them any more then others to believe.