Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

Antinom. .6, Pl-He Cove- 1 aunt of Grace is vlb- folute , and bath no proper conditi- on, as to us,but on- ly as to efits Chrift : The only Condition wa,s, that Chrift lhould make fatisfadion for fin: and that is performed There remaineth therefore no more condition to beper- formed. God doth not require faith or repentance of us its Conditions, but promife to give them as blefsings. We do but receive what he hath en- gaged himfelf to give. (The rea- fons they give make Chrills own fatisfaaion to be no more the condi- tion then our Faith I For that Was Godsgif t, and God ("7) T,: 6, he Conditions of Gods Covenant with the Medi- ator are performed already And we confefs that as God hath revealed that he bath elected fome determinate perfons infallibly to be faved, fo he bath revealed his decree to give them faith and new hearts, abfolutely without any proper Condition on their part : And this revelation may be in fe- veral refpeas called a prediftion, a promife, or Covenant : But this is not the Covenant or Law of Grace, which conveyeth pardon, juitification and right to glory : None being named in it , or fo defcribed,tbat they can know that it at all belongs to them, nor can plead any right from it , till it be already fulfilled, by the giving of the thing promifed. 3. But the New Covenant or Law of Grace which con veyeth Right to impu- nity and Salvatian to men, is con- ditional properly : and faith and repentance are properly conditi- ons : and no man (hall be juffified by this Covenant without them. Not that God expefteth that the Eled perform this Condition by the power of Natural Free-will, without his fpecial grace; nor that it is uncertain to God, who will believe : But his Lawof Grace as well as ofNature, being hismeans to rule the world, and to convey falvation to his Elea in a way fui- X 3 - table. Contrary EZream. 6. r:ods Cove- nant or promife ofGrace only conditional .3 and the condition to be performedby .Natural Free-will, apfled only with a General fuffici- ent Grace , by all that will have the thing promifed. There is no fitch thing as fpecial le3ion to Faitb, but only an Lie- aion of fame to falvation, becaufe God forefaw they wouldbelieve when others would not: Nor is there filch thing to e found inScripture, as an abfolute promife ofFaith or thejilt Paving Grace to any. The Scri- ptures itfually a'. !edgedfor this are all perverted. Nor doth Godgivelie- cial diferencing',, grace