Anticorn. God knew it be- fore hand, as well as he knows who will believe.) It is but a defcri- ption of the per- fon whom God will five, that we call a Conditio- nal promife ( fay they,) andnotfuck indeed, 7. "ITZVion with V chrifl, and confequently afti- fication , go before Faith: For theffii- rit is given us be- fore Faith : Fife how could we be- lieve : and the Spirit PM: from Chrifl a/s our Head to us as his c.Mem- bers : f 158) table to their natures ; it feeme& good to him tomake. his Proatife or LawofGracegeneral-and con- ditional, that the benefit might be freely accepted;and: freely reject- ed and the blame of mens perifh- ing, as being unpardoned, night lie upon themfelves, and be char- ged on, thernfelyes in Judgement, according, o thisLaw.As alto that Minifters might make a general offer ofCbrift,and pardon. to all, and have :grounds to invite all to come in : with many other, eigh- ty difcernable Reafons.; It -is not this conditional Grant therefore by which God diftinguifheth man from man, till thetrifelves diftin- guifb by performing the conditi,-: on : But it is Election, andthe ab folute promife of faith to. the :E4, lect,& the giving them that faithi which firft makes the difference. 7. rrHe Scripture never men- tioneth any Union with Chrift, or Juflification before Faith : but the contrary. That degree of Spirit , which is promifed frequently to them that believe, flows from Chrift as head to his Members : But that degree of the Spirit which is only to work Faith, is given by God who elected us , and is called his drawing us to Chrift : And it is the ingraff- ing us into Chrift, and bring- ing ,antrary Ettream. .ace to any, to ek, them to be- tie Unlefs et; by Abe .food provenfent ,Of their Natural:1:4W, or of co-nonwegrace, they firj 7 goler- ence thempv$ from others by bk: ing betie red for that lie eiat grace : e e c" ih0 te# n fonss. 7. TEE spirit is not at all= given to caufe men to believe but only , helpeth them by a general fufficient Grace. scripture everput- eth the giving of the Spirit after be- lieving, andnot be- fore : They that will have