Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

Antincm. hers : and there- fore we are mem- bers of Chrift, and United to him, and fu edbeforewe be- lieve. od loveth his Elea ad well before their ;Faith and Conver- fion,' aS after. 1-leis unchangeable , and cloth not love more or lefsnow, then he didfrom Eternity And therefore he loved Paul as well when he was mur- thering the Saints , as when he fuffered for Chrift himfelf : and loved Ma- naffeh s well in his witch-crafts and Idolatry , as when he repented. it is therefore legal and blafphemotts for Preachers to fay, that God hateth the .Elea unconverted, or (159) Truth. Contrary.Ext, ing us to him for Union, and giving the grace , which is the Condition On which Chrift is given to us in Union : and not a confequent of Union with -him, The Spirit for Union flows from eleaing Grace before Union and Juitification. 8. 170w Love is in God , 1. I. is pail our reach to -know properly or exactly : But as we afcribe Love to him 'after the manner ofmen,fo Inuit we conceive of the manner of it, denying all humane imperfe- &ion in it : As Gods Love is taken for his Will or Decree to do good to his Elea , fo it is eternal, and never varied.2.But as God bath made a general Law for Government, and that Lawmay change its moral ads as men change their Rate or aaions, without any change in God; and that Lawdetermin- 'ith what Ihall be due to men?as well as from them ; and what the Lawdoth,God doth, there- fore when men are wicked,God is, as it were, their enemy in Law-fenfe , and may be faid, as Reaor according toLaw , not to Love them, but to hate them, in that the Law cloth not fpeak good of them but evil, and give them no Right to life, but to death. An.d when upon con- have the Spirit mull firfl believe hy the help of the Go- fpel and Common Grace. od bath in propriety o fpeech , that which we call in man Love, Hatred, bce at kV by an Ana logie ofAttribution: And his Love is not his Effence, nor a Denomination from without, &v. but an olfaction or proper Aól of his Will : and thisGod really changeth , & men change , and' become more or lefs lovely in his fight. Nor is this any diminution of the honour of Gods Immutability, nor contrary to thofe Scriptures that pro claim him unchang- ' able,