Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

Antinorn. or that he loveth them after ,- any better then before. ( And according to this Doarine they muff hold it blaf- phemous , to fay, that Chrifl recon- ciled the Father to finners, or procured any Love to them , more then was to them before; or that God loveth us in Chrifl or Accept- eth cm in the beloved, or is well pleafed with us in his Son, being as well pleafed before,: Nor can we flir op any to duty by the t...A.poliles motive , that with fuch fa- crifice God 'is well pleafed, he being as well pleafed without it. Nor may we think a man in a regenerate "late, any more happy then the un- regenerate,a; being better (16o) Truth. converfion, the Law gives men Right to Life, and God is as it were , obltgecl by it to do them good in, fpecial he may be faid,as Redor,to Love them in fpecial, whom before he ha- ted. So that the change is not in God, but in the firmer , and the Law. 3. Aifo Gods im- manent Complacency , Appro- bationor Acceptance,called his Love as it is not his Effence limply confidered , but an ex- trinfecal Denomination of it' from the objea fo is it necef- fary , both, that we diverfifie that denomination , according to the diverfity of objeas, and fay, HeLoves the Believer who is Lovely and hateth all the workers of iniquity, Pra/. 5. 5. and not that he loves the wick- ed aswell as the Godly : and al- fo that we change fuch De- nominations when the objeas change, and fay , He loves the fame man when Godly better thenwhen wicked ; becaufe it is from the objea that we de- nominate God as Loving or Approving. And fo our Di- vines of the Affembly make Accepting, which is an imma. nent act, a part of Juftification in time, after Faith. 4. Exe- cutively : as the Affea is deno- minated from the Effea God may be faid to love more or lefs. Contrary-Extream. able. For all thofe Scriptures fpeak of a moral change,and not a PhyfiCili , and mull be anderflood according to the fubjca, they treat of. Goelsis not fickle or renconflant , or culpably mutable , as men of levity are : He never changeth , but in fufficient exile This is all that the Scripture intend- eth : He is not tioufly mutable. But to make God natu- rally unchangeable inhis Will or Affe- aions , or Eflzma- tion, as well 2s in, his Egince , is to abafe his nature : It being haft'r, as Phyfic,al L4gents, to be or tia al. wages alike then its Free- Agents, to vary our Albans a there is caufe : A fione is not more ex- cellent