Afftworn. better ilcceptrd , 4p/roved, or be- loved of Gyl : or that God thinks any better of him, or likes him better then before he did : leg we juipdie a change to be in God.) (z6i) leis. 5 If we knew riot how it is, yet when Scripture tell- eth us that he loyeth the righteous . and hateth all the workers of iniquity, and lov, eth men becaufe they believe and love Chrift 'Job. i 6. 27. we mull believe the Scripture, and fay, as it faith, and not thecontrary, 9. Trie Moral Lan) 9. He Moral Law ( at is r of inforce to .1 leaft) as in the hand believers, ( or ai of the Lord Redeemer , and thers)itis abbrogated part of his Law, doth oblige to them ,or(,4SOtherSall his tubjeas to duty , and ) It is noLaw tothem, makes them guilty of fin and punishment , even temporal orhathnopower over an eternal, when they tranf- them to oblige them grefs. Yet not with a ,fixed or they are not under or Rem cl`l f e lesgui t as before the Law of' Grace, nor as be- it : doth not oblige fore Converfion when we had them tocltity4ut they are obliged meerly gut Intereit in the Remedy divatHwith a Removable,Reme- -by love, and by the e guilt or obligation to Spirit, or elle their punifhment, we having actual, new nature is to Intereft in the itemedy which performDuty with- will &Give the obligation, by oat obitgazo4 pardoning us. Were there no : is only the .Law 45 Law in force, there could be no Trantre'ffion and no written in their guilt, and confequently no hearts,that bind=th pardon, no bewailing or con- them. Nor can that ffsing of any guilt, no 'titer- Law Y cefsion Contrary-Eitream. ceflent then a m becaufe it is lefi m table, nor a corps then 4 living body nor a .Rock , then a Clark. If mutabili- ty, be a difhonour to God, ilaion itfelf would befo , unlefs he werefill ailing, as Creating, &c. 9. 0 Unbelie- vers the Law of Works, as made to Adam, is infullforce,without any Remedy in Chrifls blood , and a Covenant of Grace , providedor madepofsible: they all (the non-Elea at leafl ) are as much bound to obey perfectly, that they may have Life, 45 the only Condition of it,a, Adam ma's, and" [hall be judged only by that Lan' and have no 77i:ore to do with the Co- venant 4