(z62) Ant Inca]. nab. LAW oblige them at cefsionof Chrift, nor ap- plication of his blood for A ini,i_ all to puntfh- pardon , nor any prayer ans by dif- mentor make obliging be for pardon, nor any other iievers from them guilty means to that end : Nay, the Law, do make all upon any then Chrift never dyed for works, to be tranfgrefsion, any aftual fin of any of their good works of fu- for it is al- the Elea : for if it be no ready fulfil- fin, or bring no gui *I toor led in thrift, obligation to death-, could he dye for it or we obeyed it i perfealy remove by his death any filch guilt ? or himfelf him, andcan bear rchat death for us , it oblige us to obey tobear our felves ? It we are never oblig- it again ? Chrifl hath ed done all our muff be in nature due to us,or fo confidered,bef us : we have no more any other can bear it for to do with the Law , God did not quit his nor it with its : And u. instereft inus , nor lofe his we have inGhrig Authority over us, of go- /ally fatisfied for all verning us, by Redem Law, ption, but acquireth there- to againfl that theendofour lives: by a further right : Chrift and therefore how can never redeemed us from under Gods power, but a 1011Y fatufied L41"' from under Satans Ty- oblige as to imnifp- ranny : Nor to be Law- of the Law, God rnent , or make us lefs but to be under a expeileth that we suiity ? No more better Law. To be from perfe[lly fulfill it under Gods Law , is to then the Laws of he Navin; given oblige be from under his Go- o; Englip man, that The writing of the Law what we may per- Lw , but Spain can vernment and Judgement. .14 21° is not sender them ? in our hearts, freeth us not fealy fulfill. Tea, The reafon of this from it, as it is in nature or its our tart to do 4rrfr, Will it4 much Scripture, but doubly ob- more then any pros rove . ligeth per p pererrogati- on, and fo let up flat. Popery, while they are blindly zealous againll contrary Eltream: versant of Grace in in Chrift , then if none fuch had been made. Bekevers themfelves are fo far under the Pe- nalty of the Lan, , that they mufi thernfelves fatisfle Gods Mice for the temporal pu- niftment, and that in Purgatory,ifnot here : For Ghriff made fatisfailion only for the eternal punithment : and therefore it is no derogation from Ghrills death, to- fay,that we mullfa- thfie here or in Purgatory. Andfor the preceptive part