Aminom: prove 411 the Elea, while wicked and unregenerate, to be under noLaw , ass the Believers : and therefore they fay all the Elea are juflified.) r6; ) Truth. ligeth us : and enableth us to perform it in our mea- fure. It is the fame Law that is written in Scripture and in us, 10. God feed) no fin in his This mutt n. People: that on the Anti- ts, none-tbat norman . grounds, be /S TOr May as tueof the Eke in- pa ,,,ayjorne fidels , as of believers : becaufe the feeing they Lary being make them equally to deadto them, have fulfil- led and fa- and fulfilled tisfied the Law in and fatisfied Chrift. in chrift , there can be no fin, where there is no Law in force. Or (as others) hefeeth no fin in them, as theirs, but as ChriftS 5 who un- dertook it , and hath born it : or, he Teeth nofin in them, fa as to To. Contrary nitre= per Law requiretbi even to fulfill fame Evangelical counfels, which are no Laws or elfe we are but an-- profitable fervants , having done nothing but what was our duty. But doing this above our duty, is eminently meritorious. n0D feeth not v--1 the tranfgrefsion in Jacob or fin in (rael , which Idolaters without the Church do live in Nor the Reigning fin in Saints , -which he feeth in the wick- ed becaufe it is not in them. Nor cloth he fee their fins, as unpardoned , when men believe and re- pent : Nor impute the fins of Inch to their condemna- tion. Nor doth he obferve iniquity in his people , in rigour of Juftice, to take them at the worft, and ufe them as theydeferve. But he feeth their fin tobe fin, and to be their fin, and not Chrifts fin : and he feeth them by it as defiled in themfelves, and lefs excel- lent and amiable in his fight : and therefore he Y z would 10. /Very Be- liever is totally rinpardoned, till he be baptized : and for every mor- tal fin after Bap- tifm , he is unpar- doned till he have confeffed it to the Briefl and made f'atisfaaion , and received .Abfoluti- on. Every mortal fin committed by the Regenerate ( and fuch they do commit) doth put him in a flate of damnation again , and long may he lie in that flate be- fore