Antinom. to impute it to them at all, that is, rofar 04 to be their fin , or to efleern them to be thereby guilty, of death, affli- &ens of the Elea (fay fome) or Believers (fay all) are not Punifh- ments at all: nor is, fin the meritorious caufe of them, but only theoccation, as being the dile* which they are ap- pointed to heal therefore we mug not bewail fin as the cafe of fuch r,feyings. 064) Truth. Contrary Extream. would have them leave thole fins , and he will purge them from them And he feeth their fin, as deferving his wrath, and their eternal death and ma- king them guilty thereof, that is, obliging them thereto , till he pardon them : and fo far as to inflict on them fome of his wrath in Caitigatory pe- nalty : And thus far he may be Paid to impute fin to them though not to their condem- ' nations I. 'ir"He, affliftions of Be- 1 lievers are not the effects of the rigorous uftice of the Law of Works, as un- remedyed :Nor are they. from Gods hatred to, the perfon , nor intended to his deitru- etion, or more tohis hurt then good : But yet they are cha- ftifements : and all chaftife- ments are puniftiments : and fin is the meritorious caufe and they are the Execution , and for the Dernonftration of Paternal jultice :..and to the hurt of the finner ;, though' that hurt be fandified tolis fore recovery ; yea perhaps never re- cover, but perifh in it. And venial fins moll befads fed for, by 'offer- ing the, pains of Purgatory. II. God punifb; eth Be. lievers in Reveng- ing. juilice,for fatis- fatlion for their fin, and _Pais- fied by fuch pip- ings. And he oft intendeth their de- firuelion by it, when they fall into mor- tal fin. .4nd in. Purgatory-their tor- ments mull be pro- portioned to their greater good.. fin as to the tempo- rajpunifhment, 2,0 Shoat,