Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

Aminom. 12 . SHould God iy-f Lt on the El ct i though infidels the leaf/ pu;,,iflynent for fn, he fkould be tinfoil 5 as punilh,ng twice for one fin fee* thrift hath fully ptisfied for it al- ready,elfe we might fay alfo that men may be damned for fin , though Chrift fully fatisfied : for ;he degree of pu- xifhnient varies not the cafe, as to the initMice in it fill. 13. -pReaching Re- pentance , and Humiliation as neceffary means to pardon of , is a Legal preach- ing, andnot apreach- , ing- Chrili and the Gofpet. (165) uth. Tz. Od doth Ma un- doubtedly punifln for thole fins that Chrift fatis fied for : Yet-is he not unjuft in fo doing. The fulnefs and futficiency of Chrifts fatisfa. dion mutt be denominated by its ends, to which it was made. And it was never Chrifts end in giving fatisfadion, or the Fathers end in Accepting it that the redeemed should be liable to no degree of punifh- ment, (nor that they fbould be pardoned before Faith ) therefore Chrifts fatisfadion was full and fufficient : though we be chaflifed , yea and threatned conditionally with eternal death. ( yea though fome that he fatisfied for, do perith for unbelief. ) 13 . He Law of pure Works,taught not Repentance as a means to pardon , nor required any but defpairing Repentance: for it gave no hope of par- t:1°11.To preach Repentance therefore as a means to par- (Ion, is not to preach that Law, but the. Covenant of Grace, and Chrift, that gives Repentance to ;frail, and Reraifsionof fin. Y. 3 Contrary Eurea tn., 12. G oD king' abfolute Lord, may notwitb- flanding any thing in his Laws s ter-. mint his molt inno - cent or Godly people eternally in Hell , without injuflice, ( fay fome.) And he will make true Be. lievers fatisfie here, and in Purgatory for their own fins , thoug; Chrift hath fatislied for them and they had inte- reit in Chrift by faith (fay others.) I3. II E Gofpel requireth air Contrition for fatis- faaion to Gods Yu- icefor ourfin , and, to merit de ,Con- gruo, our fir stfli- cation , and ' Condign' o , our fe- cend ptflification, f,