rsY Andnoni; ( 66 ) irtafri; ContraryEirriani. 14. TO preach Damnation, and to preachWorks, and pat men upon Doing forfalvation, is to deny Chrill and the Gofpel , and to be Preachers of the Law. To preach the Gofpel, is only toDe- clare the fatistaaion already made by Chrtfl , and that all the Elea are par- doned thereby and to propound this to be believed by them. ,4. To tell men that they fell under the guilt of damnation by fin , and lie under it ftill,till they Repent and believe, and fo be delivered by a pardon through the blood of Chrift : this is to preach as Chrift and his Apoftles did : Not to fet up the Law that is taken down , but to tell menhow far the Law is not taken down, nor its firft fentence reverfed. And the Gofpel prefcribeth Doing for falvation, as well as the Law , and muff be fo preacht, and obeyed by all ( at age ) that hope tobe faved. 15' . pflifyingfaith is but the Be- lieving that ourfins are already pardon- ed , ( from eterni- ty , and on Chrifts fatisfaiiion) before we believe : or it is the Apprehenfion of Gods fpecial Love to mein particular : Or it is the Re- ceiving x 5. I Uftifying faith is not the Reception of the knowledge or fenfe of our former Justification , nor the belief that our tins were before aually par- doned, or that now they are fo. But it is the true be- lief of the Gofpel, and the fincere Acceptance of Chrift, as he is offered therein ; that is, of Chrift as Chrift ; that is , As the Son ofGod that bath given him- 14. TO preach the Gofpel ( fay the Socinians) is but todeclare the perfon, and Do/trine , and example of Chrift , and call men to obe- dience , that God may pardon them. To preach the GO- fpel, (fay Papills) is to tell men that Chrift bath fatisfied and merited to procure td,s a power to merit Lifefor our felves , and tofatisfle for the temporal punlhment of ourfins. 15 .pflifying faith is not the Be- lieving. that Chrili bath fatisfledfor fin, nor the acceptance of him or pardon as on that account offered : but it is the obedi- ence to the teaching, Laws andexample of Chrift (fay the Soci- nians. ) Yttflifying- Faith