Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

*nth.lora. ceivi7 of Gods yufti ying Sentence in my own confci- ence , whereby he gives me the feel- ing or knowledge of my former fuftifica- tion. DS. IT is Legal Preaching to call men to pre- parations befo rthey Believe ( with the Faith afore defcri- bed) ots if a man could come to Chrig too foon : or as if God would not Ac- cept him unlefs he bring the Price of humiliations in his hand. To tell men, I can give you no affurance that you are pardoned , or I cannot perfwade you to believe you are pardoned, un- lefs you repent and forfake your in ; (167) Truth. himfelf a Sacrifice for fin and offereth himfelf to me to be my Saviour, from the guilt and power of fin and eternal damnation , and to give me eternal glory, and to be my Teacher, and my King in ruling me in order thereto. Men are not cal- led to believe firft that they areJuftified, but to believe for Juftification. Contra y Exneani. Faith' is the Affent to the Truth ofGods Word, whereby our hearts are wrought to CharityandHope, andfo to the obedience of Gods Law , and this is the matterof our Yullification (fay the Papifis.) i6. 0 preparations J._ are required as a price to, buy Chrift or par- don. Yet no man can take Chriftfor pardon,that feel- eth not himfelf in Law con- demned : nor for his Phyfi- tian that feels not himfelf lick : Though the feeling alto come fromChrift ; yet that which is before Faith, comes not from Faith, nor Union with Chrift,but from Chrift to draw us to Faith and Union. And if thefe apprehenfions of fin and mifery, be not deep and effeetual,Chrift will be neg- le6ted, and never received according to the nature of his office, nor to falvation No man can come to Chrift too foon: Put men may be- lieve that they are Jurcified too foon ; and they may be kindred from coming to Chrift, 16. end-Any and longpre- parations are ne- ceflary (fay the Pa- pills) to our lufli- flcation , to procure it by way of .Merit of Congruity. And -when men are yufli- fled , they can have' no Affurance that they are 71tIlifled, but a probable con - jeaure : It is a dangerous thing for men to be con dent that their fins are pardoned : filch perfivafions will bring them to fe- curity , and drown them in fin : Godly .