Antinorii: lin this is topreach a Legal Gofpel, and to call mentoFaith, they have the fruits of Faith al- ready. (As if all preparation were a fruit of uflifying Faith ! or as if ilftifying Faith , were a Belief that we are itflifled which is not true. ) (r68) truth. Chrift, for want of feeling the need of him ; and that even when they think they are come to him Men muff Accept of Chrift as he is offered,as loon as poflibly they can ; but they cannot foaccept him at all till they feel theintelves lokand un-' der Guilt. We may beheve to juitification, before we actually forfake -fins of Omiflion in our lives;, t houghnot before we for- fake it in heart. But we can- not know that we are Jufti- fled , till we forfake fin in heart and life. Contrary-Extream: Gay doubting and unc:reaimy is far better for us : for that will keep us humble and watch- ful , andfearful of , and there-, fore no man lhould orefieme to fay , he 'bathAffurance. 7. 7Uflification by :Faith is but the Reception of Gods Declarati- on to our Confcien- ces , that we are Jullifled before or the knowledge or feeling of our for- mer fit/lift'cation. Or ( fay fo-ne ) a Work of God begun from Eternity, o at Chrifls death , and now terminated in our Confciences. We were 17. 1 Uftification ; or the j` knowledge or fenfe ofpardon in our Confciences, is afterthat jultification which is by Faith in the ordinary fenfe of Scripture. juftifi, cationby Faith, is infora Dei ; that is, It makes a change in our Relation the Law of Grace Juftifying us from whatfoever we were guilty of Andwhat the Lawdoth , the Law-makercloth bythat Law. We are by Faith i. Confit- tuted tuft in Law-fenfe by the pardon of our fins. 2 And thereby Virtually juftifiecl by fentence I becaufe the Law is 17. Ittflification ( fay the Papifls ) rs only the Infufion of charity , and fo o- ther habits of Grace into the foul, where- by it is made Re- ally righteous in the fight God , aid deferveth eternal Life : or (as o- thers) it' confiftPth partly in the Re- mifsion of fin, and partly in our Inhe- re