Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

were before pardon- ed 5 the obligati- on to ptiniPment (that is, Guilt) was dfolved : That which Faith doth, or God by Faith, is but to brig the knowledge , feel- ing, and comfort of it into our own confciences where God ereeleth a tri- bunal and Abfolv- eth ( 169) Truth. is larnsa 7udicii. Juftifica; tionand pardon are either the fame , or performed at once , and by the fame way and means But Pardon is cer- tainly an Aft of God, as Re- aor,by his Pardoning AO, or Law of Grace , or Promife ( which are all one ) And a further Juffificfition there will be by fentence at Judgement. And the Juftification in Con- fcience , though a pretious mercy, yet is in excellency and necefsity far belowboth thefe, and oft long after the former. ConeraryExtireatn: rent R.r.ialificistions, and that either coordinatly, or elle Inherent .Righte- oufnefs bath the precedency , and is .moft principally meant by the term juftification. 18, EElievers mull not pray for pardon of fin , in any other fenfe then before mentioned, that is, for pardon in our Confcience , or the knowledgeand feel- ing of former par- don : Eire they im- ply afallhood 5 as if they had not the thing theyask alrea- dy:andfo deny Gods Grace , in begging that which they have I S. 9He Lord our Saviour "j1" and Judge bath taught Believers to pray for Pardon of fin, and nor only for the know- ledge or feeling of pardon in our Confciences. Yea dailymuff we pray, forgive us our trefpaffes And in fodoingwe pray 1. That God would continue that par- don he hath given us ( Prayer being the means of that continu- ance. ) i. That he would give us a renewed pardon for every re- newed fin which we daily com- mit 4- to which alto prayer is a means. 3. That he would not execute upon us any temporal punifhment further then is ne- ceffary to our good and which he will not fanaifie thereunto. That 18. / 0 Be- lievers mull prefume that theirfins are certainlypardon- ed already , and therefore they mull daily pray for the pardon of all former fins , with the fame minde as i f they never had been pardoned, Peeing it is un- known to them , whether they be or,