Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

Asnanota. have received, and fhould be giving thanksfor. Their fins wereallpardon- ed on chrifis firft undertaking to fa- tisfie (By this Rule no unregenerate man neither may pray for Pardon.For ifhe be Elea,chrifl bore his fins and they are pardoned If not Elea 5 it is impofsible, and not fit to defire God to pardon them with- out fatisfaaion. And becaufe they know not whether theyare Elea or not, they know not whe- ther they may pray for pardon or , not. &fides that theyfay the wickeds prayers being abhominable, we mullnotput them uponprayer. So that no ,man mull pray for pardon, but only ions for thefeeling of it,) (17.0) - Truth. Contrary-Excreatn. That he will not withdraw his or not : and that Spirit, and give us up to our own not only to weaker hearts lulls. 4. And thofe Be- Believers lievers that know not themfelves or to , but to fincere, and ail the moll sally pardoned at that have all, do pray that God would par- don them, if they are not par- not fame fpecial doned ; and clear it to them if extraordinary re- theyare. Much moreevident is velationsto affure it, that unbelievers,though Elea, them of it., fhould pray for pardon ; For as with prayers for they are unpardoned, fo their dif- ability will not excufe them from pardo 17' theymull duty. Simon c.,3/1agmwas exhort joyn meritorious ed to pray that the thoughts of works,as Almes- his heart might be forgiven him, deeds , and the Though they cannot call on him like,togetherwiths on whom they have not believed, fatisfaaory pen- yet is it their duty both to believe ante Pilgri- and pray. And they may by cow- 3 mon prayer call on himon whom wages, &c to they believe, but with a common Procure pardon_ Faith, which may be better then And they mu/ nothing. The Spirit which help- feek Indulgences eth our infirmities, teaching us to andpardons from pray withgroans unexprefsible thePope, doth impel! us daily to pray for pardon, evenbefore God, as well as for holynefs, z Be=