Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

Antinoni. (171) Truth. Contrary Extrearn. 19. 73Elievers mayft net pray twice (at leaft fay fame, that would be more moderate ) for the pardon of one and the fame fin : becaufe if it were not pardoned from eternity , nor at Chrifis death, ret at the utmoft it is pardoned on our firft believing and begging pardon. It rs therefore unbelief topray againfor the fame thing, as if God did not grant it at thefirft, when he kith promifed to give what ever we ask. It is the work offaith therefore , to take men off their praying for pardonof &fins. 19. Elievers may and muff pray for the pardon ofone fin many times, even of the fins of their youth and unregeneracy , till they dye. i. Few Believers reach affurance of their own fince- rity in the Faith : and all thole muff doubt as much of the hearing of their prayers, and of the pardon of fin, as they doubt of their fincerity : All thofe therefore muff pray for pardon,as is aforefaid. 2. All muff pray for the continuance of former pardon for the fins of their youth. 3. All muff pray for that pardon or Jufti- fication (as it is more properly called) that fhall be by the fentence of the Judge, at the laft day, and this in relpeft to all fin paft yea though they were never fo certainof being fo justified. 4. We may pray againft fuch temporal Judge- ments as may be infli&ed for fin, when the eternal punifh- ment is pardoned : ( as in Man.e.ifehi cafe is plain ) do not think a fincere Chriftian can be drawn from praying for pardon , even of pall fin , though he were fo overcome by reafons againft it , that he were not able to defend What he cloth. Z 2 Ur. "T"HE Pope orany Con- feffor may impofe on a fanner the _lay- ing of fo many prayers a day at fuch hours , in fuch words, and thatfor many years , and that as a niceffary means to the par- don of fame onefix. He may alto appoint him togo to the La- dy of Lauretto's Shrine , or fame other, to prayfo oft, and to pay fuch fummes of manyfor indulgences,and the fin fball not bepar- doned till that be done : No nor (in fame cafes ) till the foul have fuffered inPurga\tory , -or be helpt by the prayers of the Saints in heaven.