jg, r...."-"r1 I Antloom. L fin paft,pre- fent, and to come, is pardoned at once : pardon being not imperfea , but one perfeLl flantane- ours act: he therefore that is once pardon ed , needs not feek againforpardon. r "Ak Al 9, ( 1 7 ) Took 20. 0 fin to come is actually pardoned, it being no fin, nor capable of adual pardon : Though fu- ture pardon be certain, and An Caufis , ( which fome call a Virtual pardon but fcarce well yet it exiftethnot. Par- don is perfeft in its kind, when all fin is pardoned , though that which is not yet fin or guilt, mull have a future par- don, when the necefsity arif- eth. 2,1. CI lirifl bath IL-) fulfilledfor us the Conditions ofthe newCovenant, as well as he bath fatisfiedfor our breach of the old. And therefore when we are in doubt of the fincerity of our Faith and Repentance , we mull fay , Though 1have not Faith or Re- pentance , yet Chriff had : He bath Repent- ed and Believed for me, and therefore 1. am fafe. Allour 1?ighte- oufnefs is out of our ;'elves in Chriji , and there- Contrary Extreant. 20. THere Is no aelual pardon till the end of this life, God holding all in fuf- pence tillthen, fome arenotpardoned till they havefatisfied in Purgatory. 21. Hrift path fatisfied Gods Juftice for all the fins of them that fhall per- form the Condition of the New Covenant : but he nei- ther fatisfied for any mans fi- nal non-performance of thole Conditions nor did he ever perform thofe Conditions for us, but caufeth all his chofen to perform them themfelves Chriff was not capable of thofevery aas, which we call Evangelical Repentance and Faith : He was not converted from fin toGod and holynefs, who had no fin. He could not believe on himfelf for pardon and falvation,nor accept him- felf as an offered faviour to himfelf. If the contrary Do- trine were true, Infidels may 0111- 21. r was never the intent of chrig, to do or fu er any thing as in our flead, but to give a holy Rule and Example,to enable as to do it our (elves ; fo that it is pof- fible for as not only to believe 41044 tpant4lud obeyfincerely, but to be perfea without fin, and fulfill l the woe Law, yea and to