Antiriom: therefore our Faith and Repentance mull le foso,ht in chrift , and net in our felves : (It is but fame few of them that hold this horrid point0) 22. E mull be- lieve that we are in the Ile- cial favour ofGod; but not queltion whether this our Faith be true, any more then we muft `queflionChrill him- fell if it be the work of the spirit to caufe as to be- lieve , we JO but abate the Spirit in queflioning his works. (173) Truth. comfort themfelves that Chrift bath believed for them ( if it be not a contrachaion ) and impenitent perfons that Chrift bath Repented for them. But the performance of the Conditions of the new Covenant,is that which Chrift bath referved ( in his fatis- faaion, obedience , and legi- flation ) for our felves to do. Contri4 Evreain: do much more in works of fuper- errogation in obe- dience to Chrills. Counfels, 22. F all muft believe Gods fpecial favour, and none queftion the truth of their faith then molt muft prefume to damnation , and believe that which is falfe. All wife men that know the deceit- fulnefs of the heart and the weight of the Cafe, will be diligent to make fore their calling and fincerity , and not .truft fuch hearts too call ly. Yet thould all Cbriftians do far more to get and a1 Faith then to try whether they have it ; and many erre in fpending,that time in que- ftioning Grace which were better fpent in ufing it, and labouring to get or increafe it. 22. TT is the molt pious and fife courfe for to live in doubting. of our own good late , and not to prefume that we have true Grace. It will but make uike the Pha- rie,tofay, I thank theeLord that 1 arr . not as other men ! when the doubting Publican. _pall be uflifled before him.