Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

Antinont. Cil Truth. Contrary E. stream. 23. 77- is a Le- -1 gal deceit- ful way to gather our *rainy by marks of Grace in our felves , it being only the witnefs of the Spirit that can allure us,and Faith that can apprehend it. It is to lead a man for comfort from Chrift to him- , and to give the Spirits office to our own Graces ; Even Faith it felf may not be ufed as a mark of cation , but as an ,Infiritment to ap- prehend Itiflifica- tion, andfo to af- fare us by the very believing that we are juftified. 23. C cripture requireth us to try our felves, wherher we be in the Faith, and Chrift be in us ? and de- livereth many marks to that end : as john 3. 20, 21. 1 7.9b. I. 7. and 2. 5', 6,10 , and 2.3, To, 14, 24. and4.7, 16. &c. and maketh large defcriptions of the Godly, by which they may be known, Pfal. i. and 15. Rom. 8. I. to 14. It is therefore difobedience to God, not to try by marks of Grace : a grievous fin againit Gods Spirit, to judge all its Graces to be fuch common things, that theywill not diffe- rence the Juitified from other men,and to judge Godslmage fo contemptiblea matter, and to think that the great falva- tion of Chrift , by which he delivereth his people from their fins , is fo common or fmall a thing, is a great dif- honour to Chrift. Yet we fhould take heed that we makenothing to be fure marks ofGrace, but what God hath made fuch : Of which Faith is the chief : Having fitit be- lieved to Justification, we mutt review that fame belief, as a markby which we may know our JuitifiCati on. 23. pApifis and prophane men agree in this with the Antino- mians , and fay that noman can tell by any Graces of God within him, that he /hall cer- tainly befaved, but have fome hopes. Yet in other re- fpe s they over- value mens own qualcations and taking them &meritorious, andas if they were offuch worth, that Godfhould do them wrong if he Jima notfave them who are fo qualified ; fpecially their more coftly Works , as Alines-deeds,Suffe- rings,&c. 24. It