Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

Ant inom. (175) Truth. Contrary Estream. - 24. 77.* is legal -I- and car- nal to fetch our comfort from any thing in our (elves. We cannot rightly believe in Chrift, unlefs we fo clic efleem all Sighte- oufnefs of our own, as to account it dung, and not to fetch comfortfrom it, nor to argue our troubled confci- ences into Peace from it. He that will quiet a trou- bled confcience by any RighteoufnefS, Graces or Works of his own , doth make void Chrills .Righteoufnels, will fland, alone , or not at all. T'o look .at any thing in our (elves , to depart' from Ghrifl, 24. NO man ma fetch comfort from graces or duties as meritorious , or fa- tisfadory to Gods J uffice, or in any Co-ordination with Chrift, as taking the leaft part of his office or honour. But in fub- ordination to Chrift , as being tokens of his Love , and his Image on us , Conditions of his Promife,and duties of his prefcribing , and a righteouf- nefs fubordinate to that of Chrift and well pleating to God, fo we may take comfort in them and fo to lead men to Chrift for comfort, and to gra- ces and duty for comforr,are fo far from being contradictory, that they muft go together ; or one follow the other. He that takes comfort in Chrift more then others may do, mutt have fome reafon in himfelf for it that others have not : Believ- ing in Chrift; loving Chrift, and obeying Chrift; are not deny- ing or forfaking Chrift : nor to fee that we have fo done and thankhim that enabled us, and rejoyce therein as a token ofhis love, and as a part of our falva- tion, this is-not to defert his righteouftiefs If obedience be againft him that we obey then difobedience fhould pleafe him, 24. AL L that will have true comfort, mug merit it by their good Works : and to them mutt we look as the caufe of our pardon and Acceptance with- God. And when any trouble for fir; doth feie upon the confcience,wemuji make Godfatisfa-' Ilion by voluntary penalties,or-look to fuch merits andfa- tisfadion already made.rea the opus operatum,the bare aaion of a duty yea our voluntary wor/hip, may pleafe Godandappeafehis wrath, andprocure ms Grace.