Aneinom: 25. 17 is a car- nal and legal courfe ofmi. nifiers , to put wicked men upon duty : particular- ly upon Prayer , feeing the Prayers of the wicked are abhomination to God ; andwe muff not perfwade men to offer God an . we ex- abhomi- hort men nable thing to put up fuch ('horn far are not the prayers tem.ily of the wic- arc abho- kedare ab- minableby accident, hominable, becauCe not fuch as or not , I they are requh ecl to refer you Put UP' to what I and not to pray tilt have Paid ne more abhomi- in my Di- nable then fome reaionsfor the wicked prayers of Peace of confcienoe. (176) Truth. 2,5. L L wicked men are under Gods Go- vernment, and owe him Duty, and as they ought to perform it, fo weought to prefs them to it. There are tome Duties which wicked men are to p;rforrn to.. wards the gettingof Grace, 3.S' hearing the Word , Read- ing, Conlideiation , beg- ging of Grace , &c, of th, re there can be no doubt.And they that faywe may not exhort rie wicked to pray may as well fay we may not exhort them to ceafe being wicked, and to de- fire to be better for &fire is the Soul ofprayer : and we ne- ver exhort men to pray, but we exhort them thereby todefire the thing they pray for,and not t o lye and diffemble. And Te- ter exhorted Simon Magus to pray. A praying foul is return- ing (at leaft) toGod. There- fore we may bid them pray , as well as return ; and when we exhort them to any duty which is proper to believers, as to de- light in God, &c. we do there- by exhort them to ceafe being wicked, that they may be able to perform it. Inability in them Juftifieth themnot. Contrary Extra* 25, Some car- nal preach- ers do indeed bend all their endea- vors to draw wicked men to out- ward Reformati- on, and labour not to convince them of the evil of their hearts nor to change their flates, and humble them, and bring them over to Chrift, as if there were no difference but out- ward,between man and man : Being themfelves unac- quaintedwith Gods fanififying Works on the Soul they preach but little and coldly of them to others : and thefe go into the Contrary extream from the, _Amino- mians. 26. It