Antinotn. (177) Truth. Conttary-EAreatrt. 26. 12- is a car- nal and le- gal courfe to do any good , or avoid evil for fear of Hell , or for a cillinifler to perfmade men fo to do. TheSpi- rit of the Gojpel is aSpirit ofLove; and it is fitterfor a Slave to fear the tormentor, then a childe er free fubjeCt. To for- bear fin for fear of Hell , is to fin more , anda mark that men haveyet but a Spirit of bondage. 27. J7 is a mer-; cinary,fer-. vile , and finful thing 26. T f- He Predominant a feecion in Chriffs Kingdom fhould be Love : and the more any man cloth all from Love, and the leis he needeth fears of Hell, the better he is ; and Minifters fhould do more to draw men to the Love of God in Chrift, and to that end, prefent him as lovely to them , then moft do. But yet I. God bath made a Hell. 2. Threat-, ned a Hell to all , if they for- fake him. 3. Put the Pafsion of fear into our natures for himfelf and for our good. 4. And fantlified it by re- newing Grace. 5, And com- manded us to ufe it 'on this ob- jet. 6 And leaveth the belt men on earth fo rmperfeft in love, that they have need of fear to excite and reftrain them, where love is defeftive. 7. And all Chriftians livingcan fay by experience , that fears of Hell bath done them good. And therefore it is a, duty to fear Hell, and to petfwade men to it : and Scripture guideth us in this way. 27 rrHeys that have not -I- the life of Grace, muff ufe Gods means to et it. They that have it , mutt aet A a - from 26. Some 'Wa- s chers in pragife run in the extream Contrary to the Antinomi- ans, and preach fo much of the tor- ments of Hell, and fo little ofthe Love of God , and the bleffednefs of en- joying him, or the Riches, of his grace in Chrift, that they -do not excite men to have any de- lightful loving thoughts of God , but imprint upon ngens minds, app prehenfions of him, as a terrible tor- mentor and enemy to mankind. A. II 27. TY-lafe go in the con- trary extream, that fay, 1