Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

Antirtorn; thing to all for life andfalvation ; or to make the Re ward the end of our duties. Pre mufl act from life, andnot for Life : .Nor mull any teach otherwife. ( 178) Truth. from it : but as they yet want more grace here, and glory hereafter , fo muff they feek what they want. Were it fin- ful to as for the Reward and Crown, God would never have propounded it to us as our end and great motive, and com- manded us to feek it.. Ifwe may not as for the Reward then not for God : for God is our Reward This errour fubvert- eth the fubliance of Gods Laws, and is a deadly enemy to a good converfation, and to fal- vation, and utterly intollerable among Chriltians. Contrary Extream: fay, Wicked men may merit the life of Grace of Congruity , and the jun- Merit the life of glory of Condignity. And that fay, Men may fo u te well their natural gifts 5 or common Grace, as that God is obliged to give them fupernatu- ral or fpecial Grace. 28. goD can- not hurt an Eleit per- fon , and there- fore we may not once fear that God will hurt us : .Nor may Ninifters teach men to fear it. 28. GOD will not damn an Elea perfon,andwill do him good by his Caltigatory hurts. Yet God will oft hurt us, that he may do us good,and permit us to hurt our felves by finning : and he can hurt us to damnation, though he will not, and his meats of our efcape, is, to caufe us b3 fear and care to prevent the c ufes ofit. 29. How" grofs foever the fins of a Believer may be, and how oft 29. IF men live in the ordi- nary pratlife of grofs fin, or impenitently in any known fin, they ought to judge that they were never juitified : . 28. 0 man can be a used of Gods fpecial favour , or of his falvation at lea,ft : and therefore all men ought to doubt and fear Fell, as fuck as have no allurance toeicape it. 29. THE an' tient Fa- thers and after them the Papp run