Antinorn. are legal Preachers; and thofe are legal Profeffors that pra- itife it : at leafl if it be for pardon that they confefs andRepent., (180) Truth. Blefied is he that feareth al- wayes : bleffed are the poor in Spirit,and theythat now mourn: He that hardneth his heart or hideth his fin fhall not prof- per. 31. '"Hey are le- gal Prea- chers and renounce r derogate from the righteoufnefs of Chrifl, who do tell men in times of Calamity, that,they mull humble them- felves for the ap- peafing of Gods wrath ; and if they would have God _Reconciled , and yudgements re- moved, they mull lament their fin , and amend their lives and if they have robbedor de- fraudedany , there iS no - Remilsion , without Reflituti- ,01; where it can be made, 31. A L L our humiliati- i ons reftitutions or reformations, can makeGod no amends for our fins, nor merit his favour That was only the work of Chrift. Nor is there any change in God when he is reconciled, or his wrath appeaf- ed even by Chrift himfelf Yet as God will not pardon all our pall fins, and juftifie us at firft , without Repentance and Faith as Conditions ; fo he will not give us a compleat Remiffion of particular fins, where they are known, ( efpecially greater fins) without renewed Repen- tance and Faith and forfaking of the fin, and fo of Reftitution in cafe of known defrauding , where it may be made. it is therefore a Minifters duty to call men to humiliation as a means of Gods aftual Recon- ciliation, the appealing of-his wrath, and the averting of his Judgements and bath abun- dant warrant in the word of Goi: Contrary EXtreattl. ritorious orfatisfa, ttory toluflice, in Co-ordination with Chrifl : orfay no thing> to lead men up to Chrifl , the propitiation for fin. 31. 7---We Merits of Chrifl do not reconcile God to man, nor turn away his wrath ; but only purchafe to men a power of doing thofe works which of their own Con- dignity do merit Reconciliation and freedom from judgements. And therefore all they that will efcape or avert thewrath of God, mull fatisfie his I:10a them- laves ,,and merit hisfavour. Which may be done by far ing fo many Pater ers i.n a day and,