Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

Antinorn. made,and is known to le.a duty ! if allfin were not pardoned before we were born , when hath fatis- fied for it ! or as if God didforgive today, thole that he was offended with yegerday ! or as if our Humiliation , Flit-so-ion or Re- formation,could do any thing to ap:- peafe Gods wrath', and procure for- givenefs' before God, whichwas the work ofChrifl. 32. 7 He Law of Chrift doth not threaten eternal damnati- on , but only tem- poral ludgemebtS. Believers are un- der no Law that threateneth' dam- nation,. PIrah. God: But not to fay, that thefe are proper caufes ofappeafing Gods wrath, or of Reconcilia- tion nor do it in the fame kind as (Thrift doth is but in fubordination to Chrifi, and as meer Conditions without which the caufes will not pro- duce the effect: Contrary Zxtream. and repeating the the name efst fo many times in their prayers, and carrying the Re- licks of Saints, and praying t® them and falling , and wearing fitck- cloath fo long , bearing Maffes &c. 3 TH E Law of Chrifi threatneth damna- tion ; the not-pardoning of fin, the non-liberation from the damnationwe were under; and a far forerpunifbment in de- gree. But becaufe it threaten- eth this. only to them that be- hew: not, nor Repent there- fore this (hall never be execu- ted on the penitent and belie- vers., 32. --rwE'Litiv of Chrill doth not onely threaten damna- tion to ffelievers if they fall away but doth procure the Execution up- on many who do fallaway. 3 3, Prikffn 1 0a,