Antinona. ( 182 nab. Contrary Extreini: 33. Hen we pray , in the Lords Prayer, Forgive us our trefpaffes , we meift not mean it of remitting the eternal Pan;A- mex, but only the temporal.: For we are wholly freed already from the eternal. 3 3, E mull dailypray for pardon of fir, In re- fpeti to the eternal puniihment, becaufe fin is not pardoned till committed and repented of ; and not yet remitted by publick fentence. Prayer for pardon is one of Gods means thereto. And me thinks the Antinomi- ans should think the perfect fa- tisfadion of Chrift hath as well remitted the temporal punifh- ment as the eternal, 34. Hen life or any benefit is promi- fed on Condition of any Moral du- ty, then we mull underfland it as the voice of the Law of Works , andnot of Grace. 34. D cloth make no- thing the Condition of life on ourparts, but fome Moral duty : Faith and Re- pentance are moral duties : though not only as others, but have an eminent fitnefs for their offices, which is an eminent moral excellency. Aftions as meerly Phyfical are not fit to be Moral Conditions of a Promife. 33 WE mt;fl not be confident that our fins are for- given as to the eternal punifh- ment , but live in a doubting of it , and feek it as not done : and the temporal punifh- ment is not for- given,but we mull bear it here or here- after. 34. -'He terms on which life is pa pro- pounded to us to fulfill the whole Law of God; and he bath given us no Law which we cannot fulfil. And if we do more then is command- ed , we 'hall me- rit more abun- dantly. 35. Good