Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

Antinom. 35, Good works. are not via ad Regnurn the way to the ngdoni above 5 Chql V0 I that way but they ate figns of Faith , and the way of the Saints , who are Chrifls Jpiritual Kingdom here (if Works be marks of true Faith, why was the ufe marks before deny- ed , and if by the fame men.) C °flyer/ion is the work of the Spirit only : the word is a dead letter, andnot the internment of the Spirit in our converfion.for God cloth not create by Inflruments , and converfion creating, in which we ('83) nab. 35. tAlth , Love , Repent- ance, New Obedience, are the way to the everlafting Kingdom of Glory : Chrift is the only wayof one kind , that is, as Satisfier and Mefitor , as Mediator between God and man : But Conditions on our parts are another way : and Chrift is no fuch way at all. It is dangerous blindnefs when men cannot fee how the necef- fity of Faith and obedience Rand fubordinate to Chrift, as being the means by us to be u- fed for falvation, but men mutt make them inconfihient as means as if Chrift. our King excluded obedience or his fa- crifice excluded all means on our parts. 36. Cs' Onverfion is the work of the Spirit by the Truth : Though the word be not ftifficient for con- verfion without the Spirit , yet theSpirit worketh by the word. The truth of God revealed in the Word, is as the Seal and the Spirit as the hand to Imprefs it on our Souls, which are as the Wax to receive its Imprefsion that Gods Image may be (tamped on us and his Laws written on our hearts. God. ContriryExtream; 35, ry R works are the me- ritorious way to falvation , and Chrift is but the way to that way 5 or a procurer of thofe eraorloos works of our own. (.find they that deny this, are ene- mies togoodworks, and friends to li- centioufnefs , and their Doctrine traineth men up in a VitiOUS life. 36. rii E Spi- rit of God cloth convert us, only by giving us the moral faafi- ens of the Word , which are fo re- foible, that when God bath done all, he leaves it to our Free-Will to turn the Scales , which forme-