Antinoin: we are meerljpaf- five, and the Spi- rit alonedoth all. (184) Truth. Godmay ufe the Inftruments to create a quality ( at leaft), fuch as Grace is; and to excite us to holy ads. 37 . T is the courreof le- gal Profcps, un. acquainted with the Spirit, to fet themfelves en tasks of duty, be- fore the Spirit moves them to it, and to work their own hearts to ele- vations of Faith , Love,Sorrow,py, Heavenliners,&c.., which a but a framing to them-. felves fometlain like the Graces if the Spirit,andthen taking up their comfort in it , and bowing down to Idols of their own making. Whereas - we are fo meerly pafsive in all; that we muff but wait the Spirits mo- tions, 37 -THeworkof the Spirit, I is to fet usa working according to the word : which he doth by making us willing and that is by {hewing us Rea- fons to make us willing and holding our thoughts on them by fober Confiderations. When therefore men endeavour not themfelves to ad their own Graces , but idly fay they wait for the Spirit it is a fign that theSpirit doth not excite them; and when they are aded by ir- rational Impulfes , they have caufe to queftion whether it be by the Spirit of God : And whenmen can fet themfelves 'a work in believing, loving , con- Merin& &c. it is a fign the Spirit is operative, in firft excit- ing them thereto. The Spirits workings, and. our ftrongeft en- deavours muft go together, and not be feigned inconciftent.Elfe God would not have Comman- ded our endeavours. Holy acti- ons are not the lefs the Spirits, becaufe they are ours, but they cannot be from the Spirit but by us, nor by us but from the Spirit. We muft do what we can Contrdry-Extrearn: fomet-roes maketh 'G .ds Grace effe- ual , and fome- timefrufirates all. 37. IT is but fancy and delufory conceit to dreamof any fpe; cid excitations and afsiflance of the Spirit, d from that of the word and provi.! dences .Nor cloth the Spirit any thing therein but to give us thofe means. it was on- ly for the confir- mation of chri-, !Ilan Religion in the Primitive times, that the Spirit was given; but fince then , God leaveth all to be done by the word alone, which that Spirit then, fealed, andby Pro- vidence, andmans free-will. So that the