('i85) 7'ruth tions , and at when he moveth us, and not run before him, nor endeavour to hammerout graces, and duties our felves , leaft we make our [elves our own faneliflers, as well as oar own Saviours. can in commanded duty , and wait for the Spirit in obedience, and not in idle difobedience. Duty is duty,whether the Spirit move or no : and our quench- ing it may be a caufe that we want it : and its help oft comes in moft in the midft of our own endeavours.Wemuff not there- fore forbear duty , for want of the motions of the Spi- rit : thoughwe may fet on it, and be the longer in it when the Spirit doth move and help us. Concraiy-Extrearn. the giving of the Spirit is long agoe ceafed 3 onlyfana- ticks conceit they have it. 3S. Humane learn- ing is a'vain thing and an Idol to be demoliJhed, andan enemy to Divine truth : No confe- quences drawn by mans reafoning are of any force. Hu, mane Teaching is needlefs to Be- lievers. The Spi- rit is their only Teacher and the Law is written on their hearts ; and therefore they need not teach one an- other. 38. ALL truth is Gods : naturally and fuper- naturally revealed, are revealed by him : men that have re- ceived it,are bound by the Law ofnature to communicate it or- derly to others : and it is ne- verthelefs Gods, becaufe men teach it. It is impious ingrati- tude, and idolizing of men , to call any trueknowledge ofGod or his Works , Humane learn- ing , fo as to deny it to be of God who is the Father of lights, from whom cometh eve- ry good and perfea gift. All is true that follows from a truth by true reafoning : The Spirit teacheth by the word and by men or elfe God would not havecommanded men to teach, and that in feafon and out of B b feafono 38. 7He con- trary ex- tream to the An- tinomians is fol-, lowed by many un- fanUifled learned men 5 who think learning fufficient to give them a fawns knowledge of Gods truth , and do fludy for learning all their lives but never heartily pray for the. Spirit an Au?' That are proud of that knomied,;e which will c6n demn