Antinorn. other. The Spirit will have no 'barer in his work , no more then Chrift ally have in his. 086) Truth. feafon. True Chriftians not have need to be taught to know the true God from Idols, for they are all taught this of God, and do already knowhim from the leaft to the greateft , elfe they could not be Chrifti- ans : but they need further teaching to know him better, and to know his will. Contrary-Excream: demn them, and do fcorn at the fanaity which would fave them, andmake the very name ofthe Spirit a derifion. 39. EElievers are Uni- ted to Chrifl with the fame kinde of Union, as the Di- vine nature of Chrfl is to the humane, and as Chrifl is to the Father : andthere- fore all that is is theirs 7 and all that is theirs,is his: They are therefore perfect-Hy righteous and holy inChrifi. 39. RElievers areone with Chrift Relatively , as husband and wife, the Head and Members of a Political bo- dy : and one by fume fimilitude of natures, through the Spirits indwelling and working ; and united in affection of love ; and in interefts partly : and one in Judgement , fo far as we are fandified , holding the fame truth that Chrift bath delivered us. But to fay that we are one natural perfon with Christ, or one God , or that our fins are his, and his holynefs is really ours, are no lefs then Blafphe: my, and horrible pride. 41". TikElieveh are al- readyPlied, fofar, that there is no- thing behind; but maxi!, 40. PElievers are fullyRan; fomed, partly fandi- fied, and juftified from all part fin, but not from all future fin , nor fentencially juftified at Judgement. And therefore though 39. 7-71ofe err on the other hand that are ready to deride chriflians when they fpeak offuch 4 Union with Chrift as the Scriptures mention : Not fa- vouring or defiring after the Privi- ledgesof theSaints; if we made our Pelves Gods , by making Chrift our Head and Save- raign 40. g-HE con- ' vary ex. yearn is maintain- ed, both by the Pa- pigs that muff have