Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

Andnom: mamfillationfor their comfort : and thankful- nef's to God that bath Paved them. lf they fig, it is not they but fin in them; andin the Spirit and in Chrrfl, they are alrea- dy perfelt. It is a debafing of lc' hrift and free Grace , and the Priviledges of the Saints , to feign them to be fo imper- few , that they muff yet have more pardon , and increale in favour with God , wh.n they are perfel in Chrift, in whom only God teeth them, andnot in themfelves. 027) Truth. though in fome refpeds their juffificationmay be faid to be perfect ; yet properly and abfolutely it is not per- fed. Much of their fan- dification alio , and their glorification is yet behinde. He that thinks that heaven addeth nothing to us , but manifeltation , and not any perfonal perfection may think he is in heaven when he thus dreams of it ; but we look for a better heaven. Gods Kingdom be- fore the fall, was, and his Kingdom in glory will be a Kingdom of perfect iub- jeds : But,it is the nature of the Sons Kingdom of Grace here, to bea Kingdom of impeded ones ( even in refped of pardon, as well as fanetification, what ever fome fay) As it is Chrifts office to be a Phyfitian,fohis Church is anHofpital and every member lick and weak. Let thy glorious Kingdom therefore come, 0 Lord,where all imperfection (hall be done away, and let my foul wait in prepared longings after it. Coniriry-Esteresin; have us dye in fin , and featis- fie in 1)urga-- tory ; and by prophane men, that will not be- lieve that any do or can at- tain to that ho- lynefi that God in Scripture makes necefa- ry to falvation, and common to all the laved but they per- [wade them- felves , tenure they have it not, that none have it indeed, and that all that pretend to it , are but proud digembling hy- pocrites , and hate them, and deride them therefore as fuch . andfo en- creafe their own damnation. B-13 2 nave