( I 88 I Have now fhewed you what I mean by Antinomianifin; that Mr. E. and Mr. Cr. may be proved falfe Accufers, who fay, I mean Antipapiftry : And I have Chewed you what I take to be the Truth , that they may not fay , that my minde is Po-, pith , while I only accufe other mens opinions, and conceal my own : and I have added the contrary extream to Antinomia- nifm leaft any should run from it, into as bad an errour : and that you may fee how Chrifts Truth is crucified between thefe two ,thieves , that would rob him of his Glory , and men of their fafety and. Peace, while each pretendeth to the only way of Afferting and=Vindicating them. I know fome of the opinions that I here call Antinomian are more properly Familifm and are not held by ordinary Antinomians. Yet I annexed them as appertaining to that See both becaufe thofe of the higher (train; do maintain them , who adjoyn fome Pamiliftn to their Antinomianifm ; and becaufe their principles fo lead to- wards them, that thofe feem to be travailing that way, that are not yet come to it. If you would fee the Authors cited, that hold thefe points , without being at fo much labour as the reading of their own Books , you may finde molt of them in the citations in Mr. Rutherford: Book and Mr. Burger againit the Antinomians. I Ihall now proceed to the refit of my task. CHAP.