Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(189) HA P. VI I I . *albns why hake, The Iuflification by Faith, treated of in Scripture not to be the juflifi. cation of confcience, or in it : but fonewhat ante. cedent. SECT. I. §. BEcaufe the great offence that is taken againft me and that bath foexafperated,the minds of this fort of men , is my contradi8ing their,Doetrine of Juftification ; which Doarine confifteth mainly in thefe two branches ; I. That the Ele& are all J uftified from eternity, or from the death of Chrift before they believe : 2.. That .1 uffification byFaith, is but in fore con- fcientix, or in our own feeling and terminated in confcience, and not in fore Dei, (further then confcience may be fo called.) I fhall therefore here give my Reafons to the Church of God, of my contradiding both thefe : and I will begin with -the latter. The thing that I (hall prove is this. Prop. The Jollification by Faith, fo called in Scriptures , is not she knowledge orfeeling of Pillification before given,or a Jollifica- tion in andby our own confeiences, or terminated in confcience but is fomewhat that goes before allfoci) Jollification as this ; and is in- deed a 7oflificationbefore God. You may perceive that all this Propofition cannot in terms be concluded in eachArgument which I ufe : But I will fuppofe my: - felf todeal with the ingenious , that love truth, more then for- malities , and come not to pick quarrels, but tounderhand my meaning: and therefore it fhall fuffice me , to concluite that B b 3 which